Rally Against Police Brutality Alb., NM 10/22/10
Albuquerque Police Destroy Evidence to Allegedly Cover-up Murder by Officer
Please be informed that the computers I am using at CNM are being slowed down so I can’t interpolate any addendums to my website. My web-pages are also being tampered with so that they do not read correctly, and my property is being destroyed as intimidation to get me to quit. It looks like that they have something to hide –do you think. Enjoy your time here I worked hard for it. In this web-page there are a series of quotes from blogs, concerned citizens, and news reporters who care deeply about the crime and corruption going on in the city of Albuquerque.
When by chance that I come in propinquity of a police officer or a sheriff they reach for their gun and keep their hand on it until I’m out of range because they are conscious of what is taken place and what they intend to do. These people are so insidious that an Albuquerque Police officer even murdered his own wife and the department members tried to cover it up so I know that they will murder me as soon as they have a chance. At least that is the message that I’m getting. They do not like this web-page and want it down. The Mayor is a gangster. I was told by a sheriff’s wife that Darren White is putting some of the officer’s lives in jeopardy by such conduct. This is probably the reason for the hand on the gun crap.
Former Top NM Senator Sentenced to 5 1/2 Years in federal prison for courthouse construction scam
City Racketeers
Officer Says Job Is 'Disposal Of Human Waste'
This man may have been a criminal; however, it doesn't take a mental giant to see that this man was murdered. Just look at how the bullet holes were placed.
Cop Shot Man Twice in the Back
For Mayor Marty
Albuquerque Police Officer Tank Guenther is under investigation for allegations he raped a family member under the age of 13 [charged with 26 counts of criminal sexual penetration in the first-degree]...
Let it be known that on 17 of September 2009 at appx: 9:45pm in Albuquerque NM --502 Louisana Blvd. SE, Sergio F. my son was walking home and 2 violent public servants(cops) arrested my son on false charges and brutally and severely beaten him up. At the time a devilish cop pull-up along Sergio and asked him to stop. Sergio obeyed. The human right violator cop then asked him to pull-up his hand which sergio did without any resistance. That's as much sergio remembers until arriving at the hospital.
Sick of Stupid wrote:
"If your ready Mr. Walsh I'm sorry to tell you that the APD played you like a fiddle when you were here to film about the west mesa killer. Most in this town are almost positive the killer is a APD officer, we cant say roge officer becouse with all the crimes the officers have been convicted of the past 20 years it seems like it is S.O.P. for them, bank robbery murder car theft armed robbery rape evidence tampering the list goes on and on. The city is in with them thick has thieves right now the city is paying for the defense of a officer that confessed to the rape of some one in his custody . The west mesa is not the largest crime scean, the city itself is. very well said. just in the short time i've been here, i've read some awful things in the paper and in this forum. for a relatively small department it seems to have an awful lot of bad apples. "Click here
"Albuquerque P.D. and the man who would ultimately be selected as Chief by our present Mayor, Martin J. Chavez, selected as police chief a man who had framed a Black man for murder in the 1980s, and who sat on death row for 29 months until he was totally acquitted of the trumped up charges (Van Bering Robinson v. Maruffi, Polisar et al, CIV 84-1216M, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 Jan 1986, US District Court for NM."
Click here
"It's not unique in being a corrupt department. It is unique in so many in Municipal Government, County Government, State and Federal Governments to silently tolerate their corruption without so much as a word as to the number of murderers, rapists, drug-dealers, and thieves the Department produces. It's probably because the Albuquerque Police Department's Intelligence Unit works like J. Edgar Hoover's FBI did. Gathering scandalous facts about every bureaucrat, politician, Judge, etc. in order to blackmail them later into obedient submission." Click here
"Sunday, March 9th APD's 911 dispatcher received a call from an irate citizen who claimed that they had just witnessed an accident involving a parked car and a city vehicle at 2nd and Marquette. The driver of the vehicle got out, took a look at the damage and drove away. What had this caller upset was that they recognized the driver of the city vehicle as none other than the Almighty Accolade himself - Mayor Martin Chavez."
Mayor Martin Chavez Hit & Run
Officer shoots, kills man near Del Norte High School
ABQ Police Officer Found with Stolen TV
Dozens protest use of police force in Albuquerque
Albuquerque Police Officers Beating Up Suspect
The Letter to Attorney General Gary King
Village Officials Indicted in Weapons Smuggling to Mexico
"Chavez says in his campaign,‘keeping citizens safe is a priority’,
So far he’s done a lousy job! Here’s the problem we are still facing and getting worse!"
1.Infested with illegal drugs.
2.Gang warfare at its worse.
3.Domestic violence at it’s worse.
4.DWI, still a serious problem.
5.Employers continue hiring illegal immigrates.
6.Free education and health care for illegal immigrates tearing into taxpayers’ pocketbook.
7.Do away with Albuquerque being a sanctuary city.
That’s just a few; he’s had all these years to do something about it and he’s failed! We need new blood; we need a leader who protects and stand up for American Citizens.
A Santa Fe district judge said earlier this week that she is "very, very concerned" by the state Department of Public Safety's long delays in settling three State Police officers' disciplinary cases that have left them on paid leave two years or more.
"I'm very, very concerned about the length of time that has
On 8/01/09 at 7:00 a.m. I was almost run off the road by a flatbed white truck with sideboards on Second St. on my way to CNM. I recognized the truck as the truck that belonged to the company AUI that was working on the city sewer line for the City of Albuquerque just down the road. I caught up with the driver of the truck and I vociferated that you almost run me over. He retorted "I know!" and sped off laughing. AUI employs illegal aliens and it's easy to see this because some of the company's employees don't even speak English which is a requirement to become an American citizen and this is illegal under federal law. The City of Albuquerque is well aware of this and the city continues to employ this company anyway.
Several people who I’ve come in contact with handing out a copy of my web link http://martin-106.tripod.com/ had a lot to say and this is what they said: One person who was driving a fuel truck stated that Mayor Martin Chavez’s ex-wife was living in the Mayors house and the Mayor hired a friend to work for the city for an excessive amount of money so that the Mayor could live in the house that he owned rent free. I’ve also heard in my travels that the Mayor was getting kickbacks from contractors that subbed from the City. I don’t know how true this is; however, seeing what the Mayor has done in the past I believe them. This is clearly worth investigating and should be.
On several occasions a gay man by the name of Don who works for the Giant station on Reo Bravo stated that if I did not remove this web-page from the internet that the consequences would be severe -refering to the Albuquerque Police- as Intimidation. I wonder if this is what he meant that I would be run down.
"As if historic public theft in the State Treasurer's office weren't enough, as if Democrat Attorney General Patricia Madrid's abject unwillingness to investigate a single case of this governemnt corruption weren't sufficiently shameful, now we hear about Albuqueque's Democrat Mayor Martin Chavez creating dubious jobs (replete with large salaries) for his buddies."
For Sexual Assaults on Women and Children by Albuquerque Police
A salute to the Albuquerque Police Department
Darren White Plucked Wife From Crash Scene
APD Officer Investigated In Sunday's Fatal Hit-And-Run
Jonathan Bell Says:
ABQ TV & Print Media & Public Corruption
Mayor Martin Chavez; MIA on the APS Ethics Scandal
DA Brandenburd now Tied to APD Corruption
Police Brutality: 14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head NM
Vecinos United movie clip final
Executive, Cop suspected in Embezzlement
APS Criminal Misconduct
"Instead, there is proof that the leadership of the APS will not even admit the mistakes that they made. The results of the investigation of the public corruption and criminal misconduct in the leadership of the APS PD; are still being kept secret by Beth Everitt; even in violation of the law. She refuses to justify the denial of requests for public records; except by citing "confidentiality for personnel protection". There is no such thing. She will provide no evidence, cite no statute nor legal opinion that justifies her refusal to release the public records of the investigation of the APS PD."
Albuquerque police Officer David Maes is being held at the Metro Detention Center on a $200,000 bond for Rape
City Settles in Cop Sex Case
Albuquerque, NM Downtown Police
APD officer spied on couple's naked doings, entered home, then assaulted them, lawsuit says.....
PoliceCrimes.com Forum
I found this web-link searching Youtube and I was not surprised at what I heard. Some of the same tactics used on this young woman’s family by the Albuquerque Police are some of the same tactics that were used on me. I suspect that the Albuquerque Police threatened their lives or shot at them for intimidation. This is the way the Albuquerque Police Department operates. The video has been removed by the user; however, I left the web-link for the FBI as a source to locate her and her family just in case they are interested in Albuquerque Police intimidation and organized crime. The City of Albuquerque is out of control and they need to be stopped.
Terrorist in Albuquerque NEW MEXICO
[NM] Multiple domestic incidents of State Officer LaCuesta
State Police officer accused of driving drunk with son in car has resigned
State officer charged with domestic violence
Police Officer Caught Having Sex with Woman on Hood of Car !
Deputy Arrested For DWI
Officer Arrested For Bribing Prostitute, Police Say
Police Officer Faces DWI Charge
Liberty or Oppression
"A HOMELESS DISABLED VETERAN, Jerome J. Hall, who had been permanently scarred and mutilated after torture by 3 Albuquerque P.D. officers was found mysteriously dead less than 1 week after US District Court awarded him $307,037 for his ordeal at the hands of the 3 Albuquerque P.D. officers. Albuquerque P.D. and the man who would ultimately be selected as Chief by our present Mayor, Martin J. Chavez, selected as police chief a man who had framed a Black man for murder in the 1980s, and who sat on death row for 29 months until he was totally acquitted of the trumped up charges (Van Bering Robinson v. Maruffi, Polisar et al, CIV 84-1216M, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 Jan 1986, US District Court for NM. Under this same individual (Polisar) the Intelligence Unit of Albuquerque P.D. conducted a campaign of intimidation, harassment, spying and mudslinging against people it considered APD's enemies. A full 59.4% of the files kept by the Intelligence Unit were on non-criminals and only guilty of being members of the ACLU, NM Lawyers' Guild, NAACP, or independent community activists." For more information and a list of more violent crimes committed by Albuquerque Police click here.
[NM] Cop's wife Tera Chavez did not kill herself - 1
It’s my belief that under Mayor Martin Chavez's leadership the Albuquerque Police Department and the City of Albuquerque have become nothing more than an organized crime syndicate who would murder anyone if they felt a need to cover up their criminal activities. If you believe otherwise just pay attention to what is going on at City Hall and you will ultimately come to the same cognizance. There's no justice in New Mexico. These people are ruthless criminals who belong in federal prison. Ultimately the officer that may have murdered his wife and his confederates will get off with doing little or no time. Watch and see. That is the way it works in Albuquerque. These are typical Democrats at work. –There is no justice in New Mexico.
[NM] Cop's wife Tera Chavez did not kill herself - 2
N.M. Officer Suspect in Wife's Death Paid $63K on Leave
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- A Bernalillo County sheriff's deputy was arrested on Tuesday afternoon.
Sgt. Alfonso "A.J." Rodriguez was arrested while he was off duty after he held a man at gunpoint in a fit of rage, police said.
"When government entities or private companies (particularly insurance companies) (cough*Allstate*cough) adopt a blanket "we won't settle this kind of claim" policy, they usually say their intent is to discourage frivolous litigation. In many cases, the true intent is to discourage all litigation, legitimate or otherwise. Many victims with legitimate claims won't pursue them if they know they'll have to go to trial. Sometimes -- if the "no settlements" policy is recommended by a law firm that happens to represent the company or agency -- the intent is to assure more billable hours for the firm.
"Albuquerque follows a "no settlement" policy with regard to claims of police misconduct. Perhaps the city believes its officers are incapable of using excessive force or engaging in other civil rights violations. It's more likely the city takes a tough stance to discourage claims."
"Ah, Sebastian County Prosecutor. You should have charged the two thugs with felonies. The Albuquerque Police Department has a history of thuggery and corruption and these guys really didn't deserve a break. Albuquerque P.D. is a relatively small force, but in the past two years they have produced 2 murderers (1 cop murdered his unarmed step-father and another cop murdered his unarmed wife, and tried to make it look like suicide); 3 rapists (one of the 3 rapist cops raped a 14-year old girl); 2 who assisted in the getaway of "buddies" attempting to avoid arrest (one of a rich developer and the other of a drunk-driving Albuquerque P.D. officer who had crashed in his squad car!); yet another cop squashed a poor 73-year-old woman against the wall of her own home while he was speeding, and driving recklessly and without lights or sirens."
Albuquerque Police Department, Vote of Confidence
"District Attorney Kari Brandenburg was quoted in the Journal this morning, link, on the issue of the investigation of the scandal; .... She also said Thursday she feels APD can investigate the allegations involving the reserves making arrests. She previously said an independent investigation was warranted, but clarified that APD should do its own independent investigation."
How does one independently investigate oneself?
How do the people compel a truly independent investigation?
What do we do, if our own District Attorney is willing to allow
the good old boy to self-investigate?
We know who's covering Ray Schultz' ass,
who is covering ours?"
Here is one of many more corruption cases in Albuquerque city government: "An Albuquerque Supreme court Judge just got busted at a DUI check point drunk and with cocaine. They took his passenger to jail they took him home."
"As a general rule, the 5th floor (and the 11th for that matter) takes a dim view of employees speaking their minds publicly - especially when their opinions differ from the powers that be. Over at APD officers are pretty much forbidden to speak to the media or anyone outside the department. Legally the SOP doesn't trump the 1st Amendment, but don't think for a second that public involvement of any kind in city policy or politics outside of the department isn't noticed.
"In other words, don't talk about it, don't think about it, and don't reveal it to anyone even if it's unflattering, unethical, or especially illegal. It's the code of silence and hell hath no fury like a department whose questionable behavior is revealed. In many circumstances it's important for officers to remain behind the blue wall - keeping what they know and what they've seen to themselves. In fact, most of us couldn't handle much of what they know and what they've seen."
"However, that code of silence needs to be broken when their department and their futures are in jeopardy not from the criminals that they've sworn to protect the public from, but from the very leaders that are supposed to be backing them up - be they union or government. Of course, that doesn't sit well with those in power."
"APD Officer Matt Griffin knocked on the apartment door of Ralph Narducci in response to a loud noise report. When Narducci asked to see his identification, Griffin beat him on the head and face. Narducci was hospitalized. His lawsuit against the city was settled for $35,000." And yet here are more Albuquerque Police crimes.
"Police in New Mexico have a long and on-going track record of murder, bank robbery, kidnapping, extortion, sex crimes, burglary, drug dealing, aggravated battery, auto theft, fraud, brutality, entrapment, the planting and/or destruction of evidence, intimidation of witnesses, and – above all – the cover-up of crimes committed by police officers. According to the battered wife of Deputy Scott Finley, a member of the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department’s elite Crime Suppression Unit, when she threatened to call 911 to report a vicious beating, her husband’s response was: “Go ahead and call. How can you break the law when you are the law?"
Three men face felony charges for videotaping police officers as the cops gave random breath tests to people outside an Albuquerque bar.
Man claims to be sheriff's deputy; shoves woman at the Frontier
Manuel Ramirez
"Age 26 at time of death in Albuquerque, NM in an early morning, no-knock drug raid in 1990. According to allegations in the lawsuit, Manuel was asleep on the living room couch in his home when Albuquerque Police Department (APD) Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team officers and Navy SEALS approached his front door and rear windows to serve a search warrant looking for cocaine."
"The APD officers, with the assistance of one or more SEALs approached the house and rigged a cable between the apartment door and a tow truck. Police broke out windows in the apartment's two bedrooms, including one directly above a crib where a 5-month old baby was sleeping. The crash of glass woke up a niece who ran from the bedroom and called to her uncle, because she was afraid the family was being robbed, the complaint says. Manuel reached for an unloaded gun just as the tow truck ripped the door off the apartment. Police and SEALs burst into the apartment and shot Ramirez twice in the chest without announcing who they were, nor giving any order to drop the weapon before firing. Officers allegedly threw his wife and her niece to the floor, handcuffed them and, for the first time, announced they were police. Police found two marijuana cigarettes, a bottle with methamphetamine pills, and a spoon with drug residue in the search."
"Karla wrote:
This is absolutely criminal. Levi had just purchased $100,000.00 life insurance, including suiside, on such a young girl? I'm no genius but someone has to do something. I think I may just forward this story to 20/20, we have the most corrupt cops, judges, in the country. APD, Marty, & Bill Richardson how do you sleep at night?"
Lawsuit claims APD Contaminated Crime Scene
I feel so bad for this next person it appears that the Albuquerque Police Department and Bill Richardson did him over real good.
"It wouldn’t matter if they did a background check on the officers they always cover for each other at APD. There have been many killings by officers and there is always something to prove their innocents. Just like the officer that ran over a woman when he was leaving a gay bar drunk. They had a video tape of him but of course they said that it was a person that looked like him. Then another officer said that his wife committed "suicide" with his weapon out of APD jurisdiction but other APD officers showed up and contaminated the scene. Also when my son was killed by the son of a retired APD officer and also he had a brother that was an officer I was told they didn’t test the kid for gun powder since it would give them a false positive if he had touched dirt. One officer said they could trace who the gun belonged to and then I was told by the homicide detective I was lied to. Of course if you try to write the politicians in New Mexico they won’t help. This is to include Mr. Richardson who told me it was the schools responsibility to teach the kids gun control and he also told me I should go to counseling because he supports his police department. I still have that letter....... This could only happen in Albuquerque."
Think about the arrogance and stupidity of Bill Richardson to say such a thing to a person who just lost a son. What a piece of garbage!
"It pays to be a friend of Bill Richardson when you're a drunk driver: Carlos Fierro, the lawyer accused of running down and killing a Santa Fe pedestrian while driving drunk, is no longer under house arrest and is back working in Washington, D.C.. In April 1997, Fierro was also charged with driving while intoxicated in Albuquerque. That charge was dismissed four months later, according to court records."
Hit-and-run suspect back to work in D.C.
Police Torture and Tazers
"Robert G. Chavez, arrested last month for DWI, granted paid leave for 'personal matters.'
Guadalupe County commissioners on Tuesday granted Sheriff Robert G. Chavez's request for a paid leave pending the outcome of his DWI case, the Albuquerque Journal reported.
Chavez was arrested around 2 a.m. Dec. 19 on historic Route 66 in Santa Rosa after officers received a 911 tip, the Journal reported. Click here"
An African American State Police officer was sprayed with pepper, handcuffed to a telephone pole and photographed by five other officers in May 2000 in Los Alamos during the Cerro Grande fire, according to court records.
A State Police internal affairs report found that the incident was not racially motivated but ... More
Cops Who Rape Children
Albuquerque police officer fatally shoots man
Officer Charged In Strip-Club Sex Abuse
Cops and Skaters
Maria Chavez, former wife of Reies Lopez Tijerina
Cop Watch
Albuquerque PD Gang Unit Officer Joe Baca Fired
"It was a family outing unlike most: Police said a woman who used to work for the Albuquerque Police Department, along with her son and his wife, tried to shoplift more than $500 worth of clothes Sunday night. Kelly Sandoval remains on the loose. She used to work in the APD evidence room and was the target of an investigation into missing evidence, but was never charged. She was later removed from her job and fired for an unrelated reason."
"Albuquerque Police Sgt. Cynthia Orr holds open a narcotics vault door in the APD evidence unit Friday. Orr claims Chief Gilbert Gallegos didn't act when she told him of alleged illegal activity in the evidence room. The sergeant who directly oversaw the Albuquerque police evidence room said Friday that Chief Gilbert Gallegos lied to the public, covered up reported wrongdoings and failed to act despite repeated warnings of evidence theft."
On 1-16-03 a local television news station in Albuquerque announced that Mayor Martin Chavez had a woman that lived in one of his buildings that was of questionable character; however, it turned out that the woman in question was a crack cocaine dealer and has been for some time. She has a criminal history of doing so. It looks like the Mayor was being paid with drug money from the sale of crack cocaine while a drug dealer sold illegal drugs from one of his homes. What does that say about our mayor? He must have chosen his tenants carefully I bet. After all he is the revered and omniscient mayor of Albuquerque. Do you think that this may have any connection to the evidence room episode?
Albuquerque Police Evidence room Someone is Lying
Albuquerque Journal Critical of Albuquerque Police
Real cover-up and Corruption by Law Enforcement
FBI + Olympics + Mitt Romney = Corruption in New Mexico
The Albuquerque police were accused of violating the people of free speech rights and subjecting them to false imprisonment, wrongful arrest, malicious abuse of process, and excessive use of force. Mayor Martin Chavez of Albuquerque, Department of Public Safety Chief Nick Bakas, Chief of Police Gilbert Gallegos and 12 police officers were named as defendants in the lawsuit. http://www.aclu.org/freespeech/protest/11206prs20040322.html
Albuquerque Police Misconduct Lawsuit Results in Jury Verdict
Officer accused of leaking data to drug dealer
Car chase New Mexico
POLICE BRUTALITY - Cops Taser 10-Year-Old Boy At Day Care Centre
Santa Rosa March to Stop Police Brutality on October 22nd
Contact Albuquerque Police Public Integrity Office
Talk about bullshit! If you believe this you should vote for John Mc Cain.
Apocalyptic New Mexico Church Leader Arrested
The unusual arrangement was just the department trying to make amends for some Keystone Cops behavior. LL&D was made homeless after police virtually destroyed its facility during a 19-hour SWAT team standoff with a burglary suspect in September. Police unleashed so much tear gas and explosives in their effort to snare the suspect that the business could no longer operate, so the police allowed LL&D to move into a building the department had leased using the federal forfeiture money.
Scandals in New Mexico go far beyond Bill Richardson. "Long before Bill Richardson was governor New Mexico was known to be one of the most corrupt states in the country" says a current Federal Bureau of Investigations official who has overseen criminal investigations related to drug-trafficking and organized crime in the state. "If there is anything to this investigation it appears that it’s just politics as usual for New Mexico."
New Mexico Can’t be Part of the United States
Pueblo Governor Appears in Court on Rape
Albuquerque police officer arrested in Las Cruces
Amnesty International
Torture and Abuse of Prisoners in US Jails
Rights for All A Pattern of Abuse
Micheal Moore on NYPD Racism & Police Brutality
Heather Wilson and Bernalillo County Sheriff
Darren White are Under Investigation for Vote Buying
This is a fourth degree felony
"A respected New Mexico journalist has quit her job after her television network killed her report alleging Republican Congresswoman Heather Wilson tried to buy votes at a party convention along with Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White and that the campaigns had also paid their $30 registration fees."
"Cargo explained that when he noticed the unusually large number of attendees in his ward --- there were 59 people there this year, when normally they have from 9 to 15 or so, almost all of whom he knows --- he asked everyone to write their contact details on a piece of paper for the record."
"He was told by a number of attendees at the convention that registration fees had been purchased for them, and that people were being "paid $35 an hour" to attend on behalf of candidates Wilson, and Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White, who is vying for the Republican nomination to run for the Congressional seat that Rep. Wilson is vacating to run for the U.S. Senate." For More Information
Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White and Organized Crime
How to Contact the Office of Justice Programs State Administering Agencies
Death by Government
"Let this page serve as a warning: people who fail to pay taxes, fail to file paperwork, or who might be guilty of some crime should not be killed. They should not be deprived of due process. They retain a right to self-defense. If you are a government agent who kills, for any reason, be aware that your crimes are being monitored. We are watching, and keeping track. You will be held accountable for your actions."
POLICE BRUTALITY - Iraq Veteran Gets Tasered & Beat Down @ Airport
Police Brutality: Deaf Wood Carver Murdered By Cop In Cold Blood! (RAW)
Police Brutality: Cop Kills Teen With His Car!
Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it.
Cops Defend The Tasering Of 72 Year Old Woman
Cops shoot unarmed man in the head
Police Fighting with a Child
Small town Texas Police Accused of Fleecing Motorists
Police Brutality Worse than Rodney King - The Robert Leone Story
Jason Bermas"Newark Cop Chokehold of CBS News Cameraman"
3rd Case of Police Brutality
Police Brutality Kills / Cop Kills Man - Puercop
Officer Uses Taser To Tame Best Buy Shopper
Miami Police Shot Protester, then Laugh About it
Police Brutality
Police Brutality-Police Get What They Deserve
Police Brutality at Drive Thru
UCLA Police brutality
Warren Police Officer Tasers Handcuffed Woman Multiple Times
Police Taser a woman for a traffic violation
Man dangerously TASERED for refusing to sign ticket
Woman arrested for DWI, beat by police off camera
Another Chicago woman beaten by police
Chicago Police Beat small woman
Police Beats man in Wheelchair
Police dump quadriplegic from wheelchair
Police beat down an old man
Police Brutality - Caught In The Act
Cop Punches Woman on Video
Chicago police murder innocent man
Grab your camera - Cops need to be Watched
stupid cops caught on thier own camera's
Another Stupid Cop
Stupid Cop!
How an Insane Cop Stops a Criminal on a Motorcycle
Long Beach Police Murder Another Unarmed Black Man, May 16
Louisiana Police Torture & Kill Handcuffed Suspect
15 year old Girl Punched by Cop Police Brutality SERIOUS
Male Cops Stripping Women Fully Nude: Police & Government Deny Charges
Police abuse - Officer slams black teens head against wall
Police Brutality
Police Brutality
Cop Caught On Tape Trying to meet 13 Year Old Girl for Sex
Blatant police brutality by the NYPD
Police Torture Woman in Peoria Arizona - Officer Adams Makes Threats - Has No Orders
NY officer acquitted for body slam that broke woman's jaw
11 Year Old Tasered at School as a Last Resort
Off-duty Cop Uses Taser on Man Holding His Newborn Baby
Sheffield Village Police Taser Incident
Philadelphia Police Beating Caught On Tape UPDATE 5-8-08
Police Abuse
PoliceAbuse.org Investigation - Independence, Missouri
Jessicas Rainbow Gathering 2006
Police Abuse Angry Police Officer
Police Abuse Part 1
Another Chicago Woman Beaten by Police
Attack on Photographer Filming Abuse by Police
Filming is Not a Crime
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators
Cop Beats up woman
Police Murder of Javon Dawson
St. Petersburg Police Cutting up Homeless Tents
In the Line of Duty Volume 2 Program 12
Police Abuse Series-Filing a Complaint on a Officer
Police Abuse Paralyzed man - Caught on Tape! Daily News
Person tased for getting out license too slowly
Taser Torture of a Girl in Alexandria LA
Taser Torture of a Pregnant Woman
Taser Torture of a Skateboarder
11 Year Old Tasered at School as a 'Last Resort'!!
Student tasered for wearing a baseball cap
LAX Police Repeatedly TASER Unarmed Senior Citizen
Pornstar has Sex with a State Trooper
Police Shoot Family Dog during 'Felony Stop'
Two Cops Arrested for Allegedly Dealing Drugs
COPS Gone Wild
Dj Wilder - Crooked Cops
Police abuse Angry Police Officer
Are the Police too Trigger Happy with Tasers
LAX Police Repeatedly TASER Unarmed Senior Citizen
Over the Line - Fighting Police Brutality (2007) Video PSA
Cop Murders 6 Kids, Gets Mowed Down
Police shoot 15 year old boy
More Police Brutality
Police Brutality - Go Skateboarding Day: Cop vs Skaters
Police Brutality II
CNN Anderson Cooper - Police Brutality
Police Officer beats Drunk
Police Shoots Dog for No Reason
“Shot Her Down like a Dog" - Atlanta Police Kill 92 Year Old
Owner Upset after Police Shoot, Kill Dog
Police Shoots Dog
Cop Shoots Man SCARY
Chicago Police Torture Innocent Man using Electrode to Genitals
Traffic Infraction draws Taser in Seconds
Student Tasered for Wearing a Baseball Cap
Police Brutality Houston Texas
More Police Brutality
Police Shoot Man Brandishing Cell Phone
Police Open Fire and Kill Charging Suspect
More Police Brutality
Some Hawaii Students Say Attack Case of Police Brutality
Kids Village Attacked by Police @ National Rainbow Gathering
A Bunch Police Officers Beating a White Guy. Must See!
LAPD Beating (hi-res)
Police Use Torture against Revived SDS
Police 'Torture' Videos Cause Uproar in Mexico
Headshot - Face to Face
Police Brutality Houston Police Run Over Drug Dealer
Detroit cops extort gas station clerk
Detroit Police Officer Rapes his Step Daughters
Pedophile Cop Harrassing Skater
Pedophile Cop on Camera
Man Dies after Cops Tase, Handcuff, Then Beat Him
Police Brutality Beat Guy while Handcuffed
Police Brutality
APD Downtown Discipline Part 1
Police Beat &Taser Austin Man
Chicago Police will Kill You! Another Taser Death
Copwatch : What's your badge number
These Streets Are Watching "Right to Observe, The Badge #"
NE Portland, Oregon Harassment by Police Officer
Fascism - How to Spot it .Howto Protect yourself Part 2 of 2
Santa Monica College Police - "You Can't Videotape Us"
Calgary Police Brutality against a Black Man
APD Taser Cop Fired
Skinny Guy Gets Tazered by Cops and Cries
Racist Cop Tasers Young Black Male To Death
Boy falls from bridge, breaks back, then tasered by cops
Injured, Tasered Teen: "At Least I'm Alive."
cop chase ends in taser
Cops Taser, Punch and Kick Harmless Teen 13 times
Reinstating suicidal cop who handcuffed, tasered wife
Cops, unprovoked, use Taser gun on Columbia, MO man
Doles Police Brutality Case, Pt.1
Doles Police Brutality Case, Pt.2
Police Brutality at the DNC Women gets clothes•lined by police
police brutalize police brutality protesters
Lady Police Officer Beats up Skater
Cheras victim of police brutality
NYC Critical Mass Police Brutality Compilation 2006-2008
Tased By Police Officer POLICE BRUTALITY
Woman Brutalized by Police at DNC--uneditted version
police brutality
Blind woman Taser Tortured
Man Dies after being Tasered by Officer in Clay, NY
Taser Abuse In Westchester County , New York
Taser against Passive Resistance - Suspend Chief Jernigan
SDSU Student gets the Taser
Woman from Ohio Tasered Channel 2 Taser Abuse Report
Off-Duty NY Police Assault Cameraman
NYC Cops Assault Lawyer
Police shoot man with Taser gun in Nottingham - Comments Enabled
Police Shoot Man, Grandma In Rancho Cordova
Police Shot Man in the Back Eight Times
Illegal Immigration
"An Alabaster Woman was Charged in an Indictment Wednesday with Harboring and Employing Illegal Aliens.
Beverly Linan,38, owner and operator of Rodriguez Construction Company on Elder Drive is named in a three-count indictment charging harboring of illegal aliens knowingly employing illegal aliens and a forfeiture count to recover profits made from employing illegal aliens, according to a news release. The indictment was filed at U.S. District Court in Birmingham. If convicted of all counts Linan faces a maximum 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine."
Taking Back the Streets
ICE immigration crackdown to go after employers—not undocumented workers
Contact US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
More Americans Killed By Illegal Aliens Than In Iraq
Illegal Aliens Murder 2100 People Each Year
Illegal Immigrants ID Theft
More on Illegal Aliens